Here is an interview between Future Midwives of America and Aubre Tompkins (CNM, MSN), who is the clinical director of Mountain Midwifery Center. Aubre explains some of the joys of her “dream job” in Colorado’s one birth center, what it is like to work at MMC and some of the hurdles to opening up a free standing birth center in the United States. If you listen long enough, you will even get to hear a birth story from her perspective! The interview is intended for aspiring midwives, but also great for those of us who continue to be fascinated by midwifery. Happy listening!
You can view the original post here and stalk Aubre on her blog here.
I am so excited to listen to this!! Do you have any interest in attending an event at Shine in Boulder on Monday May 6 at 7pm? It’s a screening of Birth Story, a film about Ina May Gaskin and The Farm midwives.. It’s $20 and proceeds go to The Normalizing Home Birth Project, Inc. I will be there. It would be fun to meet in person!
Oh yes, of course I share your interest! I need to see if I can manage it because it will be just before leaving on a trip. Is there a website where you have to RSVP for the event?