We took advantage of Grammie being in town this past weekend to go on a little road trip to an organic dairy farm. We’ve been looking into our raw milk options since writing this blog post and it sounded like this farm offered both cheaper and more qualitative milk than the farm we had looked into previously. It’s hard for me to believe it is such a big deal to get raw milk in the United States. You still can’t technically even buy real raw milk in our State. Thankfully though, you can at least obtain it by other..hmm..let’s say “creative means”. 😉 You have to sign a short novel and agree to become a cow shareholder and in exchange, receive raw milk and discounts on their cheeses and meats. It’s a big commitment, so we first wanted to visit the farm, taste their cheeses and raw milk (which is harder to do in our State than to sample marijuana – ridiculous!). Anyway, we joined their Saturday tour, met by our Slovenian buddies, and got to watch the cows get milked. We sampled creamy milk that brought me right back to the times we would buy fresh hot milk from a French mountain farmer. Back to reality, we were sent back home with a wad of paperwork to think about our options. TM is an all or nothing sort of guy: we found him on Craigslist looking for a second-hand freezer to store the half cow he is convinced we should purchase as well! 🙂
Chouette! Mais je n’ai pas bien compris le passage: “You have to sign a short novel … shareholder”, pourrais-tu m’éclairer stp? Est-ce que au moins la ferme n’est pas trop loin de chez vous? Sur le sujet, je vais commencer le livre: “Lait, mensonges et propagande”, je te dirai ce qu’il vaut. PS. Mignonne la photo du veau qui essaie de faire un bisou à Ayo! 😉
Pour s’emparer du lait cru dans notre état, il faut signer un contrat comme quoi on devient actionnaire à la ferme qui est à + d’une heure de chez nous. En échange du nombre de parts, on reçoit x litres de lait cru…c’est la seule façon pour éviter la clause: “le lait cru ne peut être vendu” dans notre état. Incroyable, non?
Merci pour la photo – j’ai pas mis celle où la chèvre l’a mordu. ;-P
i see the pre-goat nibble picture… and cute top! new?
Yep, pre goat nibble pic! Top – nope but like my necklace from Goodwill? 🙂 Look out for summer, you’ll feel like I have a new wardrobe!