Tall mountain and I try to do most of our travel with carry-ons. We like to bring only what we need and are known for packing deep into the night – the night of our trip. If you pack right, carry-ons can fit so much and they save you time you upon arrival and the headache of lost luggage. I remember packing a carry-on centimeter by centimeter for a three week business trip that included a brutally cold-boots-and-coat-climate followed by a muggy hot climate.
Introduce the baby variable. Well, it’s official, we can no longer travel just with a carry-on each…and we’ll probably not be able to go through the frequent traveler line at security either. Having a child seems to make you become somewhat high-maintenance. And besides, we’re first time parents! Over the past few days, I’ve packed, then repacked, then packed again for our 14 day trip to Europe because let’s face it, it wouldn’t be pretty to run out of diapers or for mama to be stuck on a flight with spit-up on her shirt. In our case, we plan on doing several long road trips and being away from a washing machine for at least 5 days. So that adds to the packing list. Given our usual minimalistic approach, it’s a little embarrassing but here is what we packed for Ayo’s first transatlantic trip:
Inside baby’s carry-on size suitcase (checked luggage)
Clothing essentials
diapers – enough for half the trip (bearing in mind that we change him 7-10 times daily still at this point = lots of diapers)
- 11 short-sleeved onesies / bodysuits ( I could bring fewer, but they take up about as much space as a washcloth)
- 2 trousers
- 2 one piece tee-shirt-shorts
- 3 long sleeve onesies
- 1 pair shorts
- 4 pyjamas
- 2 pair socks
- 1 sweater
- 1 sunhat
- 1 swim diaper
Personal care essentials
- 4 baby bath & body samples (easier than taking whole bottles!)
- 1 quarter [or two euro coin] size travel case for cloth diaper rash cream (we haven’t had to deal with too many rashes yet, so no point in taking the whole jar)
- 1 quarter [or two euro coin] size travel case of baby lotion
- 2 samples of normal diaper rash cream
- 1 baby friendly sunscreen
- 1 nail file
- 1 thermometer
- 1 pack of wipes
- 2 tiny little newborn washcloths for bath time
- 1 burp cloth
Non-essentials that we decided to bring and why
- 2 overalls / dungarees to dress to impress mamie and papi
- 11 cloth diapers and 24 inserts – sure, we could have gone disposable but this will save us purchasing diapers when we are not on the road (not all diapers are shown in the case since they weren’t all washed at time photo was taken)
- 8 tiny little cloth wipes to use with cloth diapers – for some reason cloth is easier with cloth
- 15 cloth diaper liners – to save mum’s washing machine the rinse cycle
- 1 small jar with cloth diaper detergent
- 1 stroller rain cover – cause rain is likely in Northern Europe
- 1 travel crib sheet – so Ayo can have sleep on something familiar
- 1 waterproof sheet – to protect our friend’s travel crib
- 1 toy – at this stage, he doesn’t need many and squeaky Sophie would annoy people on the flight, so might as well pack it in the case
- 1 5oz bottle – in case we want to leave baby with mamie and papi
- 7 milk storage bags – to store milk for bottle
- 1 framed pic of Ayo for mamie and papi 🙂
Inside the diaper bag (hand luggage for 16 hours of air travel)
6 disposable diapers (with another few back-ups in papa’s carry-on – because you never know where you or your bags might get stranded)
- 1 diaper rash sample cream
- 1 burp cloth
- 1 pack of 80 wipes
- 1 pack anti-bacterial wipe (because Ayo touches everything and chews on his whole hand regularly)
- 5 mini waste bags
- 2 muslin blankets (for nursing privacy / sleeping comfort since we were told we won’t have a bassinet)
- 4 outfits (including 2 x pyjamas 3 x onesies)
- 1 small wet-bag for dirty laundry
- 1 pair baby sunglasses (so they won’t break in suitcase)
- 2 disposable changing pads
- 1 pair baby socks
- 1 toy
- 2 pacifiers
- 2 tiny wash cloths for potential blowouts
- 1 tiny baby soap/bath sample – ditto
- 1 travel-size hand sanitizer for mama
- 1 mama’s phone (for time reference)
- 1 mama’s wallet
- 1 mama’s pen
- 1 mama’s contact lens solution & case
- 1 mama’s glasses & case
- 1 mama’s empty water bottle – to fill up after security
- 1 extra tee-shirt for mama, just in case 🙂
- several snacks for a breastfeeding mama (can share with papa if needed)
What do you think mamas? Did I way overpack? What would you have brought along or not?
When we return, I’ll let you know what we used and didn’t or what we would have liked to have brought along but didn’t.
haha, several snacks for mama, can share with papa if needed. poor papa! maybe next time i should make him a travel care package that includes snacks for just him. 🙂