Yesterday we drove yet another 550km back to mamie and papi’s place. That brings this week’s travel distance to 1700km, spread across 20 or so hours in the car. And we survived to tell you about it! Ayo did really well. Of course we stopped for many more feeding breaks, diaper changes, lunch with friends and leg stretches than when we used to travel on our own. The few breaks we did take on our road trips would usually involve coffee. We still take those breaks of course! Well, yesterday we combined feeding and changing baby with leg stretching and coffee – all at the Baden Baden Autohof. Bingo! It was an amazing rest stop with the Mercedes of all baby changing stations featuring a private and all automatic spotless room for potty training and baby changing (I’m starting to realize that in regards to baby facilities, it’s either all or nothing around here). There was also a Lavazza-lounge, complete with life-size images of catwoman lookalikes sipping coffee. Yes please, give me some of what catwoman is drinking! Best of all was obviously the coffee, which was better than 95% of the coffees I have had in the States. Yes. At a rest stop! I will remember this cappuccino for quite a while. Definitely worth every penny.
I love this coffee culture so much and how easy it is to find excellent coffee. I love that many Europeans will take the time on their road trips to sit down on individual leather couches and sip a warm cup of coffee. In fact, it would seem as if some people plan their stops based on the amenities offered at each Autohof. Note to self: when traveling through Germany next time, see what amenities are offered at the rest stops along the way on this website!
PS: I bet you never knew that Lavazza was pro breastfeeding but anti pumping: