The five year plan

I’ve been checking out a few of the other #Write31Days participants’ blogs and they are just so varied and fun and engaging. I happened to notice that some writers even managed to write all 31 entries in advance of the challenge, which is quite simply awe-inspiring. Probably the same people who managed to plan a vacation synced with their kids’ school holidays. And then, there’s me.

Over here, I can hardly write one post in advance, let alone a month’s worth of daily content. But, what I can promise you, is that when I do post, it will be something I know I should be writing about. It’s often confirmed after the fact by an email from a reader. Or before the fact in an article I stumble upon or a voicemail from a friend.

Today’s entry is no different.

She bows before Him, a humble servant, asking for guidance, wisdom and discernment.


I went to write about a few thoughts about our grand vision for this season and how we’re putting our Mr. Achiever and Mrs. Planner identities aside for maybe the first time in our lives. Just before I clicked over to my blog, I came across Julianne Powers’ series, brilliantly branded “31 Days of Writing Naked”. On day 20, she writes about “guidance” and leaves her readers with a beautiful poem she wrote a decade ago. It struck such a chord.

Patience I’ll grant you in times of great yearning. I’ll give you a heart of careful discerning.


We moved across an ocean this past summer, with just a piece or two of the life puzzle in hand. Deep down, I think we were hoping for the move to uncover more pieces and unveil the big picture plan.

This road will get rocky, your feet may get sore. I’ll be taking you places I’ve never shown you before.


But it’s like some kids lost a bunch of the pieces, and the vacuum cleaner swallowed up a few more. We sure don’t see a crystal clear path before us –  be it in terms of our housing, our work situation, our finances, our local community and just about any other aspect of life here yet.

“She stands before her God and King, desiring to serve Him with her everything.

She bows before Him, a humble servant, asking for guidance, wisdom and discernment.

“Guidance,” He whispers, you already have. Just stay right beside me and follow my path.

This road will get rocky, your feet may get sore. I’ll be taking you places I’ve never shown you before.

You will be tempted to swerve; to the right, then the left. Trust that I am leading the way that is best.

My child listen closely. You must not lose heart! For never will I leave you and never will I part.

Wisdom you ask? You’ll be pleasantly surprised. It will come when you least expect it to arrive.

Wisdom is something that takes time to gain although growing in wisdom isn’t hard to obtain.

Patience I’ll grant you in times of great yearning. I’ll give you a heart of careful discerning.

With her head bowed before him, her eyes wrinkled tight, he gazed on his child with great joy and delight.

“Oh daughter of mine, your prayers have been heard. Keep trusting in me and remain in my word.

She opened her eyes and was moved to sing praises to her God and her King, the rock of all ages.”

Julianne Powers

We don’t have the five year plan, the masterplan, the white paper.

You’ll just find us over here, walking one baby step in front of another.
We’re trusting. And it feels new and frightening. But somehow it’s also freeing and exciting.



Featured image courtesy of Carryingwonder Photography

This post was part of the #Write31Days challenge, on the topic: Our family in global transition.
You can read the other posts written this month, by clicking on the links below!

1 – French Preschool
2 – Making friends in a new land
3 – ‘Yes’ people in a ‘No’ culture
4 – How language affects transition
5 – Not all French people are foodies
6 – The apple juice party
7 – I’m the third-born
8 – French-Mex ridiculous
9 – Busted by the Swiss police
10 – Educational field trip
11 – Visitors: the good and the bad
12 – Christmas in October
13 – A good place to get sick
14 – C’est les vacances!
15 – Playdate anguish
16 – The five year plan
17 – The Q&A edition!
18 – Holidays are for world-schooling
19 – The Granny I want to be.


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